Ask An Expert

“Asking an expert is always more likely to result in owner satisfaction than scouring the internet”. Frank at RealClassic asked us about spares availability for the lovely Ariel Colt as part of a feature in the current issue. Our Roger also provided some despatch background – “Considering there were just under 10,000 Ariel Colts built, and they were Ariel’s biggest seller in 1955, only 140 are listed in the Ariel Club register (a low 1.6% survival rate). Spares supply is pretty good, mostly owing to the use of the C11G engine and forks and Bantam frame/rear end. As with most machines over 70 years old, sheet metal parts are tricky but some are being reproduced in fibreglass. The electrics were supplied by Wipac and are the most difficult to source with some items being completely unavailable. The main problem is the Burman gearbox that unusually for Burman is a bit fragile but a BSA ‘C’ group gearbox can be fitted without much bother as the Ariel uses the BSA clutch anyway.”
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