BSA Bantams – Small but Mighty!

The Bantam was BSA’s lightweight range, and they produced models for 23 years including 125s, 150s and 175s. They were reliable machines – evidenced by their contract with the post office for many years!
The smallest of these, the 125cc D1 model, ran for the longest and as such can be rigid or plunger framed, Lucas or Wipac electrics and even came as a competition model. The 175cc D10s on the other hand, were only made for one year but had four different ‘trim levels’ if you like. The Supreme, Silver, Sports and Bushman models. The D5s, another 175cc, were also only produced for a single year. The longest running 175 Bantam however was the D7, available in Super and Silver, as well as De Luxe versions of both!

These single cylinder machines were represented by a Bantam cockerel (displayed on some of the petrol tanks) and are still popular today, as the very active Bantam owners club demonstrates! And although these classic motorbikes were the smallest BSA made, they could still carry a pillion passenger, or a full luggage setup!
If you fall in love with a Bantam, it will be a lifelong obsession. Simple to work on and great for those on a budget, the humble Bantam is a firm favourite among vintage bike enthusiasts.
We make many hard-to-find Bantam parts in our own workshop. Browse spares for your Bantam here