BSA Clubs & Links
We are looking for more links to help our beloved customers, so if you or your club have a site that other owners may be interested in please contact the webmaster
The BSA Ariel 3 register
We don’t do parts for the confusing BSA Ariel 3, please visit the BSA 3 register!
The BSA Owner’s Club Forum
Welcome to the meeting place for all BSA motorcycle enthusiasts, whether they are owners or not.
If you have an interest in BSA motorcycles, need help or advice, or just like to talk about these great British bikes, this is the place for you
The BSA Owner’s Club Yahoo Group
BSAOC Forum, the place for chat and all things BSA and perhaps a couple that don’t.
The BSA Owner’s Club
The BSA Owners’ Club is dedicated to the preservation and use of all BSA motorcycles and welcomes anybody who owns a BSA motorcycle to join.
Swedish BSAOC
Svenska BSA Klubben bildades 1984 och har ca 700 medlemmar.Under sommarhalv˚ret har vi en del trevliga träffar och utflykter som anordnas av medlemmarna runt om i landet. Lokalavdelningar är en viktig del av klubben och de finns spridda runt om i landet.
Stanovy klubu majitelu motocyklu BSA i Classic bike ustaveného sjezdem Na Cerveném hrádku 29. kvetna 1966 a úcastí: Hauner, Pazink, Bíca, Stojanovic, Drbohlav, Maršík, Pejril, Husák
Identifikacní císlo sdružení: 00548961 z 27. 6. 1990
Predsedou zvolen: Hauner Jaroslav 21. srpna 1968
Drbohlav Jindrich prevzal funkci
Danish BSAOC
Det er en BSA M 21 årgang 1953 reg. 1. gang den 10/10 1953, solgt af “EINAR BRUUN-LARSEN, Odense, ifølge en messingplade, der er på nittet på batteriholderen.
BSA`ens nuværende ejer købte den af en privat i efteråret 2005 i Ringkøbing. Han havde haft den i “nogle år”, men ikke kørt ret meget på den eller gjort noget særligt ud af den. Mere om dens oprindelse kendes ikke.
German BSAOC
Der deutsche BSA-Owners Club ist ein Markenclub für BSA- Fahrer, Sammler und Freunde dieser traditionsreichen englischen Marke.
Wir pflegen die Kontakte untereinander mit unserem monatlich erscheinenden Rundbrief und etwa 10 Camping Weekends pro Jahr.
Belgium BSAOC
De BSA Owners Club Belgium v.z.w. De BSA Owners Club Belgium werd gesticht in 1982 en is aangesloten bij de Belgische federatie voor oude voertuigen.
Victoria Australia BSAOC
Formed in the 1970’s, the main aim of the association is to allow people with a common interest in BSA motorcycles to share the experience.
This Appears to be one guy on the Streets of Santa Catarina, Brazil. The site is in Brazilian.
BSA Portal
This is a good link to web sites around the world. Also gives access to the BSA Bike Forum.
Norwegian BSAOC
Hei….. Du som er medlem i BSA klubben og bare du! Kan du være så snill å sende meg en mail . Klikk her og gjør det bare første gang du leser dette.Du trenger ikke skrive noe , bare klikk frem mailen og klikk på send1. Har bare lyst til å se hvor mange av oss som er inne på siden i løpet av en periode. ( uke – 14 dager) Idy hey……..Gisle
New England BSAOC
Welcome to the BSA Owners’ Club of New England Web site. Founded in 1978 by BSA motorcycle enthusiasts from the Boston area
B50 Homepage
1958 saw the beginning of a complete new engine/transmission design with the introduction of unit construction machine in place of the 250 cc C12.
The first Motorcycle the 250cc C 15 Star, was an instant success. It had a clean appearance and provided reliable and economical transport. The 350 cc B40 followed in 1960 and in 1965 BSA offered the powerful 441 cc B44 to be superseded by the 500 cc B50 in 1971, which in a moment of nostalgia was named the Gold Star.
BSA A7 & A10 Forum
This is a forum for BSA A7 & A10 owners. Log on and chat to other people who need help with their bikes, this site has for sale/wanted pictures of bikes and is worth a look for any A7/A10 owner.
World of BSA – Sweden
This is a non-profit project that translates the original BSA documentation to Swedish and collect this in order to be able to have your BSA motorcycle in running condition. We want to BSA motorcycles shall be operated and used to it they are built – on the road and in the woods.
Andy Tiernan
Andy has been collecting and trading in vintage and classic bikes for the past 35 years. His passion is pre-war BSA V Twins and WWII Military Bikes (both English and German), pride of place in his collection being a 1944 NSU Kettenkrad.
Do you have a website that would go well here, we are looking for personal sites, restoration site, are you a compnay selling bikes? Please contact me.