Thanks For Your Feedback!

We ran a customer survey recently – thank you to everyone who gave us feedback! It was overwhelmingly positive, which we were so glad to hear.
Nothing too surprising come up – the vast majority of our customers are male, aged over 55, who are interested in a variety of classic and modern classic bikes – much as we expected. We also listened to the criticisms a few of you raised regarding our ‘low stock’ indicator, and we’ve edited it to be clearer and give as many options as we have available so you can decide how to proceed when something is out of stock.
We were also thrilled to hear some of your compliments –
“Hard to think how you could improve. I have always been extremely happy with the service and parts that you provide. Staff are always happy to work with me on the phone to make sure I am ordering the correct parts.“
Our staff do their utmost to help and any new staff, who may be less familiar with classic bikes than our veteran employees, have weekly training sessions on various aspects of British bike spares and their eccentricities!
Spares availability is still top of your list when it comes to what you want from us, then value for money, closely followed by customer service. To that end we’re making more parts in house so we can have some measure of control of delivery times, sourcing more engineering firms to make the trickier parts and our telephone and email staff focus on everything else!
Thanks again for all your support, feedback and of course your custom. As I often say, without your passion for classic British bikes, we’d all have to get normal jobs!
(Photo above is of our founder Roger, riding his first ever motorbike in Highclere)